Basic education: Guitar. High school: Punk. College: Death Metal. Advanced training: Didgeridoo, electronics.
„I play guitar since the age of 11.
After some schoolbands I soon got into Punk the early 80ies. The speed and heavyness of bands like G.B.H. and DISCHARGE took my virgin soul right on to hell, one way ticket to the Thrash of the 80ies & the fulminant 90ies of Deathmetal.
Having gone thru several band-projects, everything culminated in my band SARDONYX 1995- we did Deathmetal with (partially) Viennese slang-lyrics. I had done a newspaper ad (no internet back then..), and found a drummer and a bassist soon. We got drunk 3 times, and rented a rehearsal room soon, without having played a single session! 2 months later we found ourselves at an openair- stage opening for VADER, later supporting big ones like SEPULTURA and the almighty OBITUARY!
The band split up2000, after several lineup-changes. I was just learning tattooing then,
and this way came back to painting, which always had been the other string on my bow.
The following years I did a lot of exhibitions in Vienna, Paris and Prague. During this period music had taken the back seat
in my life, until I was given a didgeridoo around 2007. I started experimenting and bought a sampler to make some
simple beats for rhythmic practising, because I found it boring only playing „önk-önk“ on the stick.
Soon I came across Didgeridoo- players like Charlie McMahon, who mix very rhythmic didge-playing with electronic sounds...
This stuff really gave me a kick: I began making beats, dusted off my guitar, started to mix metal riffs with didgeridoo,
and further tried to enrich the mixture with fresh ingredients: for example I use (outdoor-) samples like subway-
sounds and similar stuff... One day I was taking samples from Viennese U4- underground
with mobile equipment and always headphones on, for hours and hours,
until I was struck by sudden deafness - not funny, believe me!
The just doctor asked me, if I had too much stress-
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